Ageless Spine

My back gave me quite a lot of problems this winter. Starting in December, my lower back complained every day. When chiropractor visits, stretches, and ibuprofen didn’t make my back happy it stopped complaining and took it up a level. It beat the crap out of me when it spasmed/seized up one morning.

Putting on socks, undies, pants took a half hour and hurt like hell. I finally broke down and went to my doctor, who is an osteopath. His first adjustment didn’t work, but the muscle relaxant took the edge off. My second adjustment was magical. I didn’t hurt when I left his office. Sure, the pain returned but at a very low level. It’s now gone. Yay, Dr. Croft!

With back issues fresh in my mind, I ordered Ageless Spine, Lasting Health by Kathleen Porter. The idea that how we carry ourselves and our misuse of our body posture causes problems appeals to me. I’ve been prone to joint and muscles issues all my life. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a way to prevent this?

I’ve only started the book, but I’m liking it so far. I’ve also read 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back by Esther Gokhale. Her book got me rethinking how I position myself for sleeping, how I walk, sit, and bend. Yet, it is so hard to change, or at least be consistent with the changes in using my body. We’ll see if Kathleen Porter’s book helps me continue on this good posture path.

Lost – Another Great Episode

I watched the latest episode of Lost, “Ab Aeterno,” tonight. Thank heavens for the ability to watch TV series online. Lost is one show that I can’t wait until the DVDs come out. No, I must watch each episode of season 6 within one day. And this week’s show? Wow.

Nestor Carbonell’s acting gave Richard Alpert such depth. It shocks me how much my view of the character changed due to his portrayal of Richard’s fear, despair, and confusion. Carbonell also made Richard’s love for his dead wife incredibly moving. Yes, those were tears streaming down my face. What a great job from Carbonell and the writers.

This last season of Lost is half way through. I’m loving it so far, and expect that I will love it to the grand finale.

It’s Complicated review

Some comedies exceed expectations. I had hopes for this one. The movie only met my expectations, which wasn’t bad, but it didn’t thrill me. Here’s the review.

Did You Hear About the Morgans? review

You know I’m way behind posting my reviews when the DVD has already hit the stores by the time I get around to posting them. At least I’m not insisting that you see this stinker of a movie in the theaters. I’m definitely not insisting that you rent the movie. In fact, save your money. Re-reading my review did make me laugh. Did You Hear About the Morgans? opened the same weekend as Avatar. It’s an easy guess on which one I liked better.

Anyway, here’s the review for Did You Hear About the Morgans?

Comic Books – March 22

My comic book experience for last week was slight. I didn’t buy much. I branched out to a new mini-series of a comic, as it had a crossover with Supergirl, and the same happened with another Red Robin.

Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1 – This three-part series starts off with lots of action. Brainiac is invading New Krypton and nothing seems to stop his mechanical army, even Superman. Coming at this series without a lot of backstory in my brain, I just had to assume what was going on with New Krypton. I’m clueless how General Zod is in charge (last I saw him he was played by Terence Stamp in 1980s Superman II) nor how Supergirl’s mother is part of the government. Luckily, I didn’t need to know too much to enjoy the comic book.

Supergirl #51 – This continues the Last Stand of New Krypton story. Another entertaining, action-filled story. Of course, I’ll now have to buy the next Superman comic so I can finish up this story.

Red Robin #10 – This issue carries on the story from Batgirl #8, which carried on from Red Robin #9. Man, they’ve figured out how to make me spend money on comics not normally on my buy list. At least the Red Robin artist kept things more realistic than the one who inked Batgirl #8. That issue’s art didn’t live up to the previous seven issues.

Spider-Woman #7 – I picked this one up today. I liked #6, so hope this continues that “I likee” feeling.

The Bounty Hunter Kind of Sucked

I saw The Bounty Hunter. Poor Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Their careers have led to the inability to be in good movies anymore.

Invictus review

I thought Invictus a good movie, not a great one, but good overall. Here’s my review.

Who Needs Comfortable Shoes Anyway?

Surfing the web and I got to the Obsessed with Shoes site. Okay, I love looking at them, but would I ever want to wear any of them? I don’t think I can even wear heels that are  over two inches high.

Obsessed with Shoes didn’t like the Erdem shoes designed by Nicholas Kirkwood for Fall 2010, but for some reason they appeal to me. Maybe it’s my affinity for lace-up shoes (yes, fashion is NOT my middle name), but the colors mixed with the overall style of these boots makes me happy.

Erdem shoes

Still, those heels look mighty high. I can only totter and teeter around  for so long before the shoes come off.

Wednesday Night Fun

I just had a lovely dinner out with a friend and now I’m home for my favorite Wednesday night event: watching last night’s episode of Lost on Hulu.

Osmosis Jones for Tonight’s Movie

Tonight is all about kids’ movies. First I watched Planet 51 and then, in a desire to maintain the silly mood, I decided to stream Osmosis Jones from Netflix. Why I find the combination of a live action Bill Murray and an animated version of his innards so amusing is beyond me, but it soothes me to think of all these critters inside of me doing battle against evil viruses and bacteria.

Catching Up on Comic Books – March 16

I made it to an Atomic Comics in Mesa yesterday. My goal was to pick up issue 2 of Batgirl. The place didn’t have one. I did pick up some Detective Comics featuring Batwoman. J.H. Williams III’s artwork is so amazing that I had to pick up a few back issues. These were #854, 856, and 858.

As for last week’s purchases, I picked up the following:

Batgirl #8 – This is a crossover with Red Robin. Too bad that the new artist distracted me. Nope, I didn’t like it how the characters were drawn. Too stylized and awkward.

Doom Patrol #8 – I’m not sure if I’ll continue reading this comic. It has its moments, but I feel so out of the loop when I read it. I keep thinking that I’ll be up-to-date on the characters and their backgrounds will all become clear. I’ll give it a few more issues.

Secret Six #19 – First purchase of a Secret Six. I follow writer Gail Simone on Twitter so thought I’d give it a try. I only picked it up today, so have no idea if I’ll like it. Fingers are crossed.

Fables #92 – Kelly Thompson of She Has No Head! praised the Fables series in her write-up of Ten Women of Fables that I had to pick up an issue. With all the characters based on fairy tale stories it certainly has an entertaining premise. I enjoyed this first foray into this world, and with the local library stocking up several collections of the series, I’ll be getting caught up.

X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back #2Pixie Strikes Back is a short-run series that sounded cute. Unfortunately, I feel stupid and slow when reading it. Is it the writing of the comic that leaves me confused or is it just the lack of knowledge of these characters? Trust me, I feel so lost. Who are these folks and why am I reading about them? I am trying to support the comics with female characters, written and/or drawn by women, but I wish I knew what is going on in these comic book worlds.

I didn’t write up my purchases from the week before. I picked up a handful. As I was willing to try some unknown books I went a little crazy. Here’s what I bought:

Detective Comics #862 – Batwoman and the Question. I’m enjoying both characters.

First Wave #1 – I don’t know, I couldn’t resist. Doc Savage and the Spirit in one comic book? I liked the first issue and will pick up the next one.

Girl Comics #1 – What a horrible name. Still, I bought it as a way to support the women involved in the comic book industry. Some stories were fun, some were just so-so, but nothing was too ridiculous.

Legends: The Enchanted – At only $1.00 I picked it up. It’s a preview issue for a hardback graphic novel. The artwork was stunning.

Mass Effect Redemption #3 – This is how out of touch I am — I had no idea that this comic was based on a video game. Still, it was rather entertaining.

While visiting the Atomic Comics I picked up the plastic comic covers, plus one box. My next visit I plan on buying covers for my old comics. Some are still in good shape, but others have torn. I’m blaming some of this on the cat, who decides to jump up into the box that the comics are in even though they’re sitting up high in the closet.

I’m looking forward to this week’s issue. I’ll treat myself to a Saturday morning in bed to read them. Sounds nice, huh?

Vacation Over

Yep, my mini-vacation, part of spring break, is over. I’m back at work tomorrow. I’m just hoping that work will be quiet due to spring break.

Presidential Reunion

I can’t believe that Funny or Die managed to get all these ex-“presidents” together. A crew of Saturday Night Live folks, past and present, show up in this video.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Lost Episode – Sundown

Have you seen the latest episode of Lost? “Sundown” just stunned me. Sayid is one of my favorite characters (Hurley is my #1 guy) and let’s just say that bad things happen with Sayid during this episode.

I do love that the show’s writers find a way to surprise me. Someone better be paying them big bucks for all their hard work. I hope they can keep the excitement and suspense going. The show is addictive.

So, when will Jin and Sun meet up again?

Inglourious Basterds Tonight

I do love this film. Tarantino sure knows how to make scenes sizzle.  I don’t know if Inglourious Basterds will win any Oscars, but it sure fun to watch.

My only disappointment with the blu-ray disc is that Tarantino doesn’t have an audio commentary. I so wanted to hear him talk about making the movie.